Sunday, August 20, 2006

Baby Got Book (

This song is off the hizzy! "Baby Got Book" from Southpaw

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Magnetic Poetry.......
Just putting up the last pieces of magnetic poetry on the fridge and then I am completely moved in (and 95 % unpacked) See the magnetic poetry is a milestone, a high level task if you will. I have been reading up on my Project management, specifically schedule control. It gets confusing and really boring especially if I can't apply it practically. I'm wondering if PM is for me...Oh I enjoy bossing people around (ask B about it) but having that full responsibility and the stress that comes with it gives me a little "ehh" with a side cringe. But Business Analysis, I love! Writing requirements is like a cup of tea with a piece of chocolate cake on the side. And test scripts, I approach them with the same tenacity as picking out a pair of shoes to match my new outfit. I'm starting to see that being a Business Analyst might just be my calling in the corporate world. (Now if I can just talk B into letting me work at home while taking ; care of the mini Bs ;)

Insightful Humbuggery: Don't try and glue your earring and put the super glue tube in your mouth while you try to stick the two pieces of your earring together. You end up getting super glue on your teeth which then dries and doesn't come off unless you use a fingernail file. And don't file too hard because you can take off some of your tooth enamel and then have to pay a killer dentist bill for cavities.