My Laptop Miracle.....
It was about 2 days before my big presentation (which I just delivered to day and nailed it thanks to my lovin and supportive BF) and I was working overtime like I have been doing the past few nights. My laptop was open and sitting on the table and I went to go grab a glass of water. As I was heading back to the table to sit down I stubbed my toe on the chair and put the glass down to rub it. However I didn't really look where I was putting the glass down and I ended up spilling about a full glass all over my computer. The computer made that click sound like someone just turned of the TV. And I just stood there for a second in shock. Did this really just happen? No I imagined it. NO I DID NOT. I tipped over the computer to get as much water out and ran into the bathroom and put the hairdryer (low setting) on it. I kept thinking, it is ok, it is ok. I'm sure my company has accident insurance. I will just take it by the help desk tomorrow and they will make it good as new. RIGHT. Like I really was that calm. I am FREAKING OUT. My work is on that. Eight hours it took me to put this presentation together. I am zero productive without my computer. So I called B. What an angel he was to me. He prayed for me right then and there. I felt better. I KNEW God can handle it. I called the company helpdesk. I thought that they could have some additional insight. Basically they told me that someone will contact me in the morning. So I lost my worry in deep sleep, comfort that it is in God's hand, and a really weird dream about grocery store shopping where B bought a gallon of Maple syrup. The next morning I waited anxiously by my phone at work to find out the fate of my laptop. The tech guy called and told me the news that made my gut wrench. That any liquid spills are considered User Abuse and my boss would get the bill for a new motherboard which will cost $1200 (I knew that ultimately I would pay $1200.) Now you are probably like $1200 is not a big deal. WELL it is to me you see I am trying to save up for ummm a big event that might happen sometime next year. And last month I had to get my breaks fixed, and that hit my savings. This month I got to get a battery and new tires.. you get the picture. So needless to say this could not have come at a more inopportune time. So when my boss came in I decided to bite the bullet and tell him. I am sure he could tell that I had been crying. He is such a great boss and I wouldn't expect anything less than the wonderful understanding attitude that he has always shown me. As I was leaving and felt somewhat better I saw the tech guy that picked up my computer. He said it is back on my desk and is working. He said that all he did was take out my battery and put it back in and it worked. Now my coworkers that know the story walk by and say that is the laptop that was touched by the hand of God. So next time you get a computer problem call the helpdesk in Heaven. Oh and my new mantra from here on out..."Drink by the Sink."