Friday, October 13, 2006

Sprained ankle and Wounded Pride......
Last Thursday I had an incident involving Harley, 3 inch pumps, and a step at B's appt that I have never seen in my life. The side of my foot swelled up to resemble an egg. Now I am not one to let a little thing like torn tendons to keep me down. I have to much to do: grocery shopping, laundry, and status meetings. A girls gotta earn a living. Long story short B and I went to Sams to get me a new car battery. While we were waiting on it we decided to walk around the store (actually he walked, I hobbled.) He was fussing and trying to find a wheel chair for me. I turned my back to look at something and next thing I know he picked me up, put me in the shopping basket and ordered me to stay put (I think he like that he got to boss me around:) I couldn't stand it. Everybody was looking at me. I draped my wrapped foot outside the cart to help ward off any thoughts that I was just lazy. That didnt help much. We passed by a lady that was giving away samples of meat balls and she looked at me when B grabed one and said "I hope you know that there is a weight limit on the carts." I couldn't believe it. I mean 4 cases of water would weigh more than me and I saw someone with at least 6. Of course B didn't understand the affront so I enlightened him (more like yelled) and he assured me that he would not be purchasing any meatballs today because of that. Humph. So I was cooling off over in the frozen chicken fillet section and a man walked by, looked at me and said "Your Pathetic. That is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen" My mouth dropped open. Brandon, oblivious again (bless his heart), laughed along. The guy obviously saw my mouth drop down to my chin then murmured "I was just joking." Yeah right. That was it. My pride had enough. I ordered B to stop the cart and I got out. I spent the rest of my time as the gimpy girl hang out by the DVDs.