Rebecca H. Carmichael...It does have a nice Ring to it!
It's Official!! and here is how it happened.....
Brandon: Umm so, I guess we should start with me going to Florida. I had gone to Florida a couple of weeks ahead of time to secure the bling. And you had kinda known what I was going for.
Becky: Yeah you made it kinda obvious, I mean umm the excuse of how you had to go and get your brother a Christmas present was kinda dumb.
Brandon: Fortunately however my plans to ask you to marry me weren’t that lame :)
They sent the ring to me on Thursday and on Monday I spent all day trying to get in touch with someone to see if I could propose on the top floor of the Chase building.
Becky: Did you always want to take me to the place where we had our fist kiss?
Brandon: I wanted to go to that exact spot where we had our first kiss, meanwhile, I had a friend of mine start working on photoshoping your favorite painting. I had to sneak away Saturday morning to print it out.
Becky: Oh so that’s why you left, you said you had to go look up something on the internet at work…something about Christmas presents...very sneaky!
Brandon: Then my uncle hooked me up and gave me the number of the manager of the Petroleum club located on top of the chase building and was able to get one of his clients to sponsor us for dinner.
Becky: Ok did you go pee anytime between then… I mean lets cut to the good stuff, I know you worked really hard, you made the moment really special…..
Brandon: I was able to get everything together with the help of the petroleum club…
Becky: Anyways we need to back up and say that you had asked me to dinner, and you said you were taking me somewhere nice before we went our separate ways for Christmas.
Brandon: Did you ever think I wasn’t going to ask you?
Becky: Yeah I did, because you procrastinate.
Brandon: I wasn’t procrastinating I was trying to get the money together; you were the one that said that it had to be a carrot or nothing,
Becky: ANYWAYS, you had asked me to dinner and I kinda thought in the back of my mind that hmmm he could ask me. But you had said sometime in January. So I rushed home from work and got dressed up and headed to see you. I got stuck in traffic and ended up being like 30 min late meeting you.
Brandon: Actually that worked out really well because I told the guy we were going to be there at 7:30 but Shane was able to tell them we were running late.
Becky: So I finally arrived at your work and you came out wearing a suit and YOU SHAVED…I should have known something was up!
Brandon: I was doing my best to act nonchalant despite the fact that my stomach and my heart was in my throat.
Becky: Aww really? Why were you nervous?
Brandon: Because, for a couple of reasons, I wasn’t sure you were going to say yes, and that it is a huge deal for you to say that you would spend the rest of your life with me because your so independent.
Becky: Well I kinda gave a hard time about that earlier, about saying yes or no, I wanted to leave you guessing. I don’t want to be predictable.
Brandon: Well that’s good ;)
Becky: Ok so we are in the car and you had a map of the place we were supposed to be going.
Brandon: Even though it was a fake map and I drove around in circles in case you would have caught on.
Becky: I was blissfully unaware the whole time until we reached the elevator and once you pushed the button for the top floor the elevator lurched and I somehow remembered that feeling before, I kinda had a slight suspicion that it was the Chase tower.
Brandon: AKA the kissy building.
Becky: Kissy building yay!!
Becky: So we got off the elevator.
Brandon: I grabbed your hand and guided you over in the direction where everything was set up.
Becky: I thought that you were going to take me over to the spot of our first kiss and kiss me again and I thought that was really sweet.
Brandon: Then I said we are going to have to give the building a new name.
Becky: Yep uh didn’t understand where that came from, but then I saw a rose petals on the ground and a table with 2 champagne glasses and yellow roses and an easel with a blue cloth draped over it. I was thinking that we are kinda interrupting someone’s moment and them you walked over and took of the blue velvet and it was a picture of a man on his knee looking like he was proposing.
Brandon: I said I had something made for you and I think I said I had something to ask you and I got down on one knee and about for 5 seconds you had this look of udder disbelief and started to cry and I said “Becky I have grown to love you more every day over the last 17 months and while I could never deserve you, I want to spend the rest of my life thanking you and God for knowing you. Will you spend the rest of your life with me, will you marry me?”
Becky: Did I ever say yes?
Brandon: You shook your head… wait a minute what are you trying to say?! You couldn’t speak.
Becky: I was in shock, my blood was rushing to my ears. I didn’t really process what you were saying, I was waiting for you to ask me those three little words and then that would be my cue to answer. And I ran and hugged you when you were on the ground still on one knee. Then we kissed and hugged and cried, well I did that last part. Honestly babe it was the most exciting and momentous day of my life so far. I just knew at the moment there was no other answer but Yes. Becky: And then I kept sporadically crying for the rest evening.
Brandon: And we didn’t eat much of our dinners.
Becky: Because we were to busy being happy and trying to get in touch with our folks to tell them the good news.
Becky: B, the ring is gorgeous, I couldn’t believe it was mine, I thought I would have to give it back at the end of the evening. I’m so happy that I’m going to be the future Mrs. Michael Brandon Carmichael.
Brandon: You know once you take my name you have to start obeying me.
Becky: Umm I think the vows you have to say, say something about obeying me as well.
Brandon: That’s why I think we need to write our own…..