My wonderful husband......
We are coming up on 2 months of marriage and I am so loving it or really I should WE are loving it! Brandon starts his new job this Monday. I am so excited for him. I believe that
God has some great things planned for him in this new role. He is such a warm, caring man. Everyday I find something about him that I am in awe about. Oh don't get me wrong, he has his faults too (I broke him of the wet towels on the bed and toliet seat being up) but they really pale in comparison.
God has some great things planned for him in this new role. He is such a warm, caring man. Everyday I find something about him that I am in awe about. Oh don't get me wrong, he has his faults too (I broke him of the wet towels on the bed and toliet seat being up) but they really pale in comparison.
We are still rounding up our wedding and honeymoon pics but here is one of my favs!