Sunday, November 06, 2005

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
I have always been into the study of gender differentiation, societal impact, nuture vs. nature. It has turned oh I guess ever since my parents divorced into an interest in relationships and interaction between men and women. Lately I have become a relationship book junkie. Currently I am reading a book on commited realtionships by Dr. John Gray the bestselling author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. He has a very interesting theory that I am eager to comment about. He thinks that a woman's needs in a realtionship has changed over the years. Back in the stone ages women needed to feel physical security. Times were dangerous, and they weren't strong enough to protect themselves and their young from wild animals. Then it progressed into financial security. Women became mercernary, marrying a man that has the most because they believed that they could provide the most, for them and any children they had. Now, it evolved into emotional security. There is a shift that has been occuring, a redefining of gender roles. Women no longer need physical security (we can buy guns), Women no longer need financial security (we can earn to support ourselves and our children). What women are looking for in men today is that they support them emotionally through their actions and words. We desire to be allowed to express our feelings within the confines of the relationship without any repercussions. If we have a bad day, we want our significant other to actively listen and offer sympathy and support. If we are have a major case of pms we want our man to pick us up some chocolate chip peanut butter cookie dough with out having to ask him. We want a husband, out of respect, to ask us before buying the new panasonic 50" wide screen (because the jvc one might just be a little bit better ;) And because of the new needs our relationships have new problems. Gray said that men are having to reprogram their natural way of thinking to adapt to these needs and it ain't easy for em.


D said...

Still seems a lot of women out there seek financial support even though they are capable of providing for themselves. They love to rely on that old man should bring home the bacon mantra.
and if you don't want to be disappointed, better go to your girlfriends for emotional stuff (=

D said...

Still seems a lot of women out there seek financial support even though they are capable of providing for themselves. They love to rely on that old man should bring home the bacon mantra.
and if you don't want to be disappointed, better go to your girlfriends for emotional stuff (=

Sarah Kay said...

One of the best books I read with a Christian take on how men and women react differently is the Love and Respect Connection, by Emmerson Eggerich. (If you want to get B to read it tell him it was written by a Wheatie!)
Happy hunting we never outgrow this learning process.
God Bless,