Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Its Fall finally

Dallas doesn't get much of a Fall. The leaves change overnight, last for a day, then start falling off. Which is sad because Fall is my favorite season. I do like it getting cold so I can make soup. Here is my latest reciepe which is Minestrone with a side of Brown Soda Bread- all homeade! Yum!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

We have been so busy lately I have not had any time to catch up on my blogging. The pictures below should give you an idea.

Our Fab trip to Cabo

Baby shower for B's Cousin

Habitat for Humanity with our Sunday School Class

One of my favorite shots of them-they both look so cute and innocent.

Annual Company Heart Walk

She loves watching the squirrels

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I AM the Alpha dog!

So I keep telling myself and our new puppy Hannah (I call her lil' bit). She needs an attitude check-its those crazy teenage dog years where she thinks she can talk back to her mom. She has developed a habit of barking at me when I tell her No and then when I go to grab her she runs from me. Harley, the sweet older brother he is, runs over to her and tries to tackle her to get her to stop. I think she gets on his nerves too because he throws me this look every now and then like ..can you please put her in time out or something. So I am reading up on how to handle this situation. Can't ground her from chasing squirls and take away her bones so I needed some professional help. I checked out Yahoo Answers. The gist of it is I need to be the Alpha dog and show her that I am the alpha dog. No more cuddling her all the time when she comes and nuzzles my hand. I mean business. I mean a squirt of water in the face!