Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I AM the Alpha dog!

So I keep telling myself and our new puppy Hannah (I call her lil' bit). She needs an attitude check-its those crazy teenage dog years where she thinks she can talk back to her mom. She has developed a habit of barking at me when I tell her No and then when I go to grab her she runs from me. Harley, the sweet older brother he is, runs over to her and tries to tackle her to get her to stop. I think she gets on his nerves too because he throws me this look every now and then like ..can you please put her in time out or something. So I am reading up on how to handle this situation. Can't ground her from chasing squirls and take away her bones so I needed some professional help. I checked out Yahoo Answers. The gist of it is I need to be the Alpha dog and show her that I am the alpha dog. No more cuddling her all the time when she comes and nuzzles my hand. I mean business. I mean a squirt of water in the face!

1 comment:

The Kings said...

Poor little puppy. You should never even say "no" to a cute puppy! :)