Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Biggest Fear
I was asked not to long ago "What is my biggest fear?" The answer that I gave was in a fact a fear of mine but after meditating on that question, it appeared probably next to last on my list. In trying to identify number one, I came to this conculsion: A fear is of the future. It is something that is assumed to be foreseeable, if a certain path is taken or decision made. And since you know what you are afraid of (and that you view it as having significance) it is your decision to either confront it now in the present or wait around for it. I can't recall where I heard this from, but it has really stuck, "You can't be brave unless you are afraid." I say it to myself when ocassionally, maybe, I might still be afraid of the dark a little, or a disgustingly big roach just happens crawl by me. Eww. More about fears on the next post.

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