Thursday, January 19, 2006

Here I am!
Well I made it to Dallas. I can't believe I actually made the move. I had my first "real job" interview this past Tuesday and I did terrible. The funny thing is, is that I'm really not that upset about it. Probably because I didn't want the job anyways. I have another interview with the company I really like this coming up this Monday. I'm learning my way around slowly. I always thought I would freak out driving in really crazy traffic but it isn't so bad. You just have to remember to drive offensively as well as defensively. It is great though, being so close to Brandon and getting to see him. My apartment is cozy and I know I will slim up for bathing suit season because it is on the third floor. All in all, except for an occasional bout of home sickness, I am having a great time!

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